In the last few weeks the Hungarian legislation concerning product fee had to face several criticism from environmental organizations. They claim that the present system and the bill which has been introduced by the government will have serious negative effect on the market. The product fee…
2009.10.19. 23:31 youish
Business Prospects in Plastic Waste Recycling
On Wednesday, 21 October a workshop is organized by our team on the following topic:Business Prospects in Plastic Waste RecyclingThe workshop is modereated by Péter Ollár, the secretary general of Hungarian Plastic Industry Association. If you are interested in the hidden business opportunities of…
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Tags: workshop recycling plastic waste
2009.10.19. 20:53 andi.kurucz
We are almost famous
We have given a report to the newspaper of the Corvinus University of Budapest. It was publicated in the volume 51 in October 2009.This is a paper based newspaper so this is just illustration:
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2009.10.19. 09:50 youish
Did you know?
Every day the world requires more energy. The Barrel Counter tallies how many barrels of oil equivalent are being consumed globally during a visit to your site.