We were there! The program was organized by FKF Zrt and the Fantom Team and the aim was to clean one frequented - and dirty - square by voluntary work of the citizens and to show that it all could be that way, it all depends on us. YouHu! was there to collect plastic waste separate. just…
2009.10.10. 19:54 andi.kurucz
Big City Cleaning in Budapest
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Tags: street moszkva big city green festival cleaner plastic waste millenaris cleaning
2009.10.06. 23:59 youish
Waste World- EcoDesign Festival
Waste World- EcoDesign Festival (Szemét Világ- Öko Design Festival) is organized between 3 September 2009 and 3 March 2010 in VAM Design Center in Budapest, Hungary. The ultimate purpose of the festival is to draw attention to the growing problem of waste. During these month series of…
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Tags: design festival recycling waste
2009.10.06. 11:25 olahzsofi
Green economy, green society
Dear Readers,I would like to invite you for a lecture today. The lecturer will be Peter Olajos who is specialized for European enviromental engineer and he was member of the IMCO, then the BUDG and the 'ad hoc' committee for climate changing. For more information about him in Hungarian:His…
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Tags: péter politics college green lászló olajos rajk economy waste society
2009.10.05. 21:27 olahzsofi
Be onPressing
I have found a Hungarian page called www.hulladekboltermek.hu, it is about how to redesign waste and there is a game where you, as a girl :), can press plactic bottels and you can even be the top of the game (:Have fun with it! (:The way of playing: press the "down" button first to start…